_To Be OR NoT To bE ThaT is A QuestioN_

Giving UP doesnT always Mean YoU aRe weak .

Somtimes It JusT means You ArE STRONG Enough To Let gO .

Sunday, April 3, 2011


We should protect ourself
Cause we survive in a harsh reality

Human being just same like the Earth
Ozone layer play an important roles to protect Earth
It blocking or reduce the UV rays to enter the Earth
Once it get thinner the Earth expose in danger
Everthings might destroy

Same to the life of human being
We need self-protection
Dont always rely on others
We dont when they going to leave us
Or so on....

At least when we lose
We dont hurt deeply
Thicken your proctection as you feel threathen
Nothing to wrong to protect yourself
In the same time , please not to hurt others .

- fiddlestick -

1 comment:

  1. yes, it is true.
    never let our guard down.
    if not, a deep cut can be felt.....
